
Doctor Who: Return to Earth

The eleventh Doctor and Amy (voiced by Matt Smith and Karen Gillan) must help the abandoned human colony starship, Lucy Gray, which was disabled by solar flares to return to Earth. They are first attacked by maintenance robots and become separated on the ship. The Doctor makes his way to the control room where a Cyber Leader has connected to the ship's A.I. and is threatening to kill the crew. Also, Cybermen attack Amy and chase her into outer space. They also find Daleks who are after a Time Axis.

Controlling the Doctor and Amy in turn, there are different colored crystals to collect from robot dispensers. But you must use stealth by crouching behind objects and sneak up on them to avoid their cone of view. The crystals have different purposes: red ones are used to avoid hazards, purple ones can fix things, and green ones open doors. A floating colored icon must be shot in first-person view with the same colored crystal to get by it. At the end of most sections, there's a mini-game where you roll a photonic ball of energy through a circuit without hitting obstacles or touching the sides. The game came with a Sonic Screwdriver Wii remote cover.



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Game Information

Nintendo Wii
Asylum Entertainment
Deep Silver
Action, Adventure
EU Release Date
November 19, 2010
AUS Release Date
November 25, 2010
PEGI Rating
ACB Rating
MVGL User Score
MVGL Difficulty
Added by
2 User(s)

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