Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure, formerly known by its test title as Spyro's Kingdom, is a spin-off game for the Spyro the Dragon series and the first game of the Skylanders series, published by Activision, and developed by Toys for Bob for the Wii release. It was also developed by a Taiwanese company known as XPEC Entertainment for the PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 releases, and was developed by Vicarious Visions for the 3DS release. Square Enix will be publishing the Japanese release of the game. Frima Studio will be developing the web, iPhone, and iPad version of Skylanders.
Skylanders is the second reboot that takes place in the Spyro series, the first being the Legend of Spyro series. A sequel to Skylanders was later revealed in the form of Skylanders: Giants.
Coming soon...
This game also exists on:
Nintendo Wii
Xbox 360
PlayStation 3
Nintendo Wii U
Coming soon...
Coming soon...