Tales from the Borderlands is a five part episodic game series from the creators of The Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series. Set on the unforgiving world of Pandora after the events seen in Borderlands 2, this is a story full of Borderlands’ trademark humor, following two adventurers on their quest for greatness. Like all good tales, there’s more than one side to a story. Especially one about a Vault key, the Hyperion Corporation, bandits, loot, gangsters, Vault Hunters, secret Atlas tech, explosions, getaways, extortion, betrayal, and mayhem. Set after the events seen in Borderlands 2, Tales from the Borderlands is about Rhys, a Hyperion company man looking to become the next Handsome Jack, and it’s also about Fiona, a Pandoran con artist out to score the biggest of all swindles. Lured into danger by a Vault key and all it promises, the unlikely duo are thrown together with a common goal and a huge amount of mistrust. Who is telling the truth, and why is it important? That’s up to you to decide. You are Rhys…and you are also Fiona, because like every tale worth telling, there are two…oh, you read that part already? Well, it’s important to remember that there are two sides to every story, and you my friend, you will tell this tale, or…tales, through the choices that you make. Your every decision as both Rhys and Fiona will affect the people and world around you: this is a game where YOU are the final author in a brand new Borderlands story set on the unforgiving world of Pandora.
The discovery of the Gortys Project fuels a madcap race to find just what the Atlas Corporation was up to prior to Hyperion's take over of Pandora. Our intrepid heroes are not the only ones on the trail. Vault Hunters, Bounty Hunters, Vasquez, and a giant monster thing with a mouth that looks like a...well, you'll see...are all in pursuit. And to complicate matters, Rhys is being haunted by visions of a dead despot AND what Vaughn looks like without his shirt on. Can Fiona and Sasha hold everything together? That's up to you.
• Play as Rhys, on a mission to make Hyperion his • Play as Fiona, on a mission to make the money hers (all of it) • Explore Pandora as never before: familiar and new locations brought to life as more than mere cannon fodder • Your choices matter, changing the story around you, and making the tale yours
Coming soon...
This game also exists on:
PlayStation 3
Xbox 360
Xbox One
Xbox Series X/S
PlayStation 5
Coming soon...
Coming soon...