Banjo Pilot is the 4th installment of Banjo-Kazooie series. Formally known as Diddy Kong Pilot this is the basic kart racer having you race the B-K characters around tracks based on the classic platformers worlds such as Hailfire Peaks and Treasure Trove Cove. As with all kart racers there are numerous items across the track you can use to attack your enemies. It also features four person multiplayer using a Game Boy Advance link cable.
The game was originally planned to be entitled Diddy Kong Pilot and to be a sequel to Diddy Kong Racing for the Nintendo 64, but due to Rare being bought out by Microsoft Studios during development, the characters were changed from those of the Nintendo-based Donkey Kong series to those of the Rare-based Banjo-Kazooie series because Rare no longer held the rights to the Donkey Kong characters. This was the last Banjo-Kazooie game released for a Nintendo console.
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