
Space Quest II: Chapter II – Vohaul's Revenge

VOHAUL'S REVENGE Just when you thought it was safe to go back into space, HE'S BACK! And he wants revenge! Sludge Vohaul, the demented evil scientist (whose sinister plan you unknowingly foiled in our last episode), is seething over Sarien slip-up. Madder than a drenched Astrochicken, (and still determined to rule the galaxy) Vohaul has devised a new plan. A nasty plan. A plan so evil that only one as wickedly sadistic as he could imagine it. YES, the worst nightmare ever is about to come knocking on your door - and it won't take NO for an answer!

IT'S THE INVASION OF THE INSURANCE SALESMEN! Hordes and hordes of pushy, obnoxious (genetically engineered) salesman will soon be dumped upon your home planet - unless somebody dumps on Vohaul first. And who knows more about getting dumped on than you?

ROGER WILCO TO THE RESCUE! One again, you, Roger Wilco, sanitation engineer nd involuntary hero, must don your sanitary space mittens and prepare for the onslaught of evil that Vohaul has prepared. A chore not for the queasy or fainthearted. And if you can stomach that... Get ready for the Granddaddy of Gross. The Emperor of Evil. The First Name in Nastiness, Sludge Vohaul himself! With nothing to protect you but your wits and your wet mop, you haven't got a chance! (But that's what makes the game so much fun!)

HAVE FUN STAYING OUT OF TROUBLE! Beat the odds. Conquer insurmountable obstacles. Defy gravity. Cry for help. Misfortune awaits you at every turn... Boggle your way through the humid stenchlands of the jungle planet Labion. Blunder your way onto the asteroid fortress of the slime-sucking Vohaul. Flounder your way through more perilous escapades than you can wiggle a space worm at.

GUARANTEED TO MAKE YOU LAUGH! Packed with comedy, tragedy, suspense, horror, and many other nouns, Space Quest II will tickle your funny bone and relieve that heavy feeling in your wallet.

● Incredible 3-D graphics! Move behind, in front of, and around objects. ● Multiple solutions and variable scoring. ● Full sentence input and optional joystick control. ● And lots more!


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Game Information

Sierra On-Line
Sierra On-Line
NA Release Date
November 14, 1987
MVGL User Score
MVGL Difficulty
Added by
0 User(s)

This game also exists on:
PC Mac Atari ST

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