Our story begins in the mysterious halls of an ancient library...
The Grand Library holds the history of the world within its shelves. Legend says that if one was to tamper with the books kept there, the past itself could be completely rewritten... A daring adventurer known as IF discovered the location of this revered library and finally crossed its threshold. Little did she know, a disaster of historical proportions was about to occur before her very eyes. Books began to vanish from the library's shelves; the history of the world was disappearing before her and the reasons for this occurrence were shrouded in mystery.
IF sets out on a journey across time to uncover the truth! Will she be able to work together with both the Sega Hard Girls and Goddesses to recover the lost history? Will they really be able to save the world?
An RPG originally available on the PlayStation Vita system, this Steam release with upgraded graphics has everyone’s favorite chuunibyo Iffy riding with motor-mouthed (and motorbike’d) Neptune to save history! She’ll team up with personifications of the Sega console known as the Sega Hard Girls to climb, dash, and crawl through dungeons, fighting in intense turn-based battles where character classes, battle gems, and the special Fever Time mode can change the course of battle!
● A History of SEGA to Love! Introducing Sega Hatsumi, Dreamcast, Sega Saturn, Game Gear, Mega Drive! Familiar faces Neptune, IF, Nepgear, Plutia, and Uzume return as playable characters, all with a wondrous 1080p graphical sheen! ● Be Anything You Want! Change classes to switch up stats to customize your team! There are also special skills only specific classes can use! ● IF is Her Own Stuntman! Maneuver through treacherous dungeon terrains with various actions like jump, dash, climb, crawl, to reach items or special rewards, and even destroy objects to clear the path ahead! ● Fever Time! Jump to obtain the rainbow gem and unleash Fever Time! This reduces enemy turns during battle, enables HDD form, and raises stats by 10% to give you the advantage!
Coming soon...
This game also exists on:
Sony PS Vita
Coming soon...
Coming soon...