The first add-on to The Guild 2 brings several new features and changes to the original game but the main new feature is the single player-campaign. There you start as a poor fisherman and work your way up to a rich patrician of the Hanse while discovering a mysterious family-secret.
The biggest new feature is the maritime trade which also adds sea-battles to the game. To take full advantage of that new feature, there are four very big new maps available where your ships from fishing boats to big cogs have more than enough room to maneuver. To accommodate the new trade-tree, fisher, pirate and medic are added as new careers in the free-play mode. With them they bring the corresponding buildings and production-upgrades.
Your character can now also gain new titles like earl or baron and charges including cardinal and commander. If you are good enough, you can also arise to be the king. Smaller additions include new diseases you can get or a bill-board where you can denounce your enemies.
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
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