In the year 29475 AD, mankind have settled the barren planet Rubi-ka, whose only resource is Notum, a power source for the ubiquitous nano-tech. The mega-corp Omni-Tek has an iron-clad hold on the planet, but there are underground guerrilla clans forming, hoping to overthrown the tyrants... You are the latest inhabitant of Rubi-ka... Would you join the mega-corp, the clans, or remain a neutral spectator?
Anarchy Online is a massive multi-player role-playing game set in a sci-fi universe in a full 3D engine. There are no fantasy races to be found here, but players still can choose between four different kinds of humans and twelve jobs with different skills and advantages, e.g. the nano-technician which is basically the equivalent to a mage. There is no ultimate goal to "win" the game; progression is simply measured by character advancement - earned experience points lead to level ups and then players can improve their skills. The cities are used to chat with other players, build groups and start quests. Missions and dungeons are randomly generated.
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