The story is set in Rughzenhaide. This story takes place before Ritona earns her position as Selphine’s royal guardian. So what events led to Ritona choosing to join the princess’s personal guard…?
fault – SILENCE THE PEDANT is a prequel to fault – milestone one. It takes place 5 years before the events of -milestone one- with the focus of the story being on Ritona and her experience before becoming Princess Selphine’s Royal Guardian.
“fault” is an episodic Visual/Cinematic Novel series. Episodes are called “milestones” and usually are about 4~6 hours in length.
fault’s production cycle is heavily influenced by the Japanese manga industry, releasing a comic every 6~8 months with an on going story. To clear a common misconception; fault is not a trilogy. It is also not purely Fantasy as much of the tone is heavily influenced by Science Fiction and focuses more on human drama rather than flashy battles and wizardry. It’s methodical narrative is a homage to the Science Fiction Genre of the 70~80’s.
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