In Rayman's world, a mystical object known as the Great Protoon maintains the planet's harmony and balance. One fateful day, the evil Mr. Dark steals the Protoon, causing the world to fall out of balance and scattering all the Electoons that gravitated around it across the world, where they are captured by the strange creatures that appear due to the phenomenon. With Betilla the Fairy defeated in her attempt to stop Mr. Dark, Rayman must travel through six worlds to reach Mr. Dark's lair freeing the Electoons in the process.
Rayman is a side-scrolling platform game in which the player character is the titular Rayman, who must travel through six worlds (Dream Forest, Band Lands, Blue Mountains, Picture City and The Caves of Skops and candy chanteau) to free all of the caged Electoons, of which six are located somewhere on each level. Only when all the Electoons are freed will Rayman be able to reach and confront Mr. Dark at his lair in Candy Chateau.
Coming soon...
This game also exists on:
Atari Jaguar
Sega Saturn
PlayStation 3
Sony PSP
Sony PS Vita
Nintendo DSiWare
Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo Gameboy Color
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