Torn, previously known as Torn City before the change to TORN, is a free, online text-based massive multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) created by British online gaming entrepreneur Joe Chedburn. Torn is a virtual world based around gang violence. Like many RPGs, players start at the bottom of the ladder and make their way to the top by earning experience points. The game focuses on crimes and player versus player combat as a way of earning XP or experience points.
Torn uses the "freemium" business model: players can purchase in-game benefits in exchange for payments, which are termed "donations". The donations can be made by either PayPal, Bitcoins, Amazon or the recently resurrected mobile phone method. Players can also sell "donator packs", which are valued at about 4.8 USD, for approximately 25m of in-game currency.
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