The young Ecstatica lies in a deep, trance-like coma, and her disturbing dreams are wreaking havoc on the once peacefuk village of Tirich. S solitary traveller has stumbled upon this deserted village, and what started as a simple quest for shelter turns into a horrific saga of death, torture and demonic possession. Help to free Ecstatica in this terrifying graphic adventure with a fully exolorable 3D environment, stunning animation, and ground-breaking ellipsoid technology graphics. So lock your doors and check under your bed. Ecstatica is a nightmare like non you've experienced before.
● Ellipsoid Technology, creating a completely controllable character with the ability to run, walk, creep, turn, fight, duck and use objects with a smooth and fluid motion. ● Over 200 beautifully animated sequences, incredibly detailed 3-D backgrounds, cinematic cuts and perspective, making this game a truly interactive experience. ● Choice of a Male or Female main character. ● Ground breaking user interface.
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