
Zork III: The Dungeon Master

An old, oddly youthful man turns toward you slowly. His long, silver hair dances about him as a fresh breeze blows. "You have reached the final test, my friend! You are proved clever and powerful, but this is not yet enough! Seek me when you feel yourself worthy!"

ZORK III: THE DUNGEON MASTER draws you into the deepest and most mysterious reaches of the Great Underground Empire. Nothing is as it seems. And the one responsible for the shadow and darkness - the Dungeon Master - embodies the greatest mystery of all. In this test of wisdom and courage, you will face countless dangers. But what awaits you at the culmination of your odyssey is well worth risking all.

GET INSIDE A STORY. GET ONE FROM INFOCOM! It's like walking up inside a story! Load Infocom's interactive fiction into your computer and discover yourself at the center of a world jam-packed with surprising twists, unique characters and original, logical, often hilarious puzzles. For the first time, you're more than a passive reader. You can talk to the story, typing in full English sentences. And the story talks right back, communicating entirely in vividly descriptive prose. What's more, you can actually shape the story's course of events through your choice of actions. And you have hundreds of alternatives at every step. In fact, there's so much you can see and do, your adventure can last for weeks and even months. To find the Infocom interactive story that's right for you, just choose any one marked with the level of difficulty listed below that best matches your current level of interactive skill:

  • Junior: Best introduction to interactive fiction. Writtenn for everyone from age 9 up.
  • Standard: Good introductory level for adults. This is Infocom's most popular level of interactive fiction.
  • Advanced: A greater level of challenge. Recommended for those who've already experienced Infocom's interactive fiction.
  • Expert: For real diehards seeking the ultimate challenge in interactive fiction.

Then find out what's it like to get inside a story. Get one from Infocom. Because with Infocom's interactive fiction, there's room for you on every disk.


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Game Information

NA Release Date
October 23, 1986
MVGL User Score
MVGL Difficulty
Added by
0 User(s)

This game also exists on:
Mac Atari ST Commodore 64 PC

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