Banished to a remote planet for 100 years, the Predator returns to Earth in 2030, seeking to redeem itself for a century-old transgression. When the code of honor protecting the secrecy of an alien race was abandoned, strange and powerful technology fell into the hands of evil men. The Predator must now restore that honor through the complete destruction of those who violated it.
The game begins in 1930 and moves on to the year 2030 as the player controls a Predator from a third-person view in expansive levels. The Predator's arsenal includes a staff, maul, glaive, explosive mines, spear gun, and a set of claws that appear from the forearm. With those weapons the player is able to skin, slice, stab, crush, and mangle the many enemies in the game, ultimately hunting the alpha male whose skull would make a worthy prize.
Coming soon...
This game also exists on:
PlayStation 2
Coming soon...
Coming soon...