Case Closed: The Mirapolis Investigation is based on the ongoing manga Detective Conan by Gōshō Aoyama, serialized in Weekly Shōnen Sunday since 1994, and the following TV series adaptation with the same name. The series was partially licensed to North America under the name Case Closed, hence the different game title used outside Japan. The franchise is centered around high school detective Shinichi Kudō (or Jimmy Kudo in Case Closed) who after being drugged by a mysterious organization transforms into a shrunken version of himself, alias Conan Edogawa. After this event, he continues to solve various cases together with detective Mōri (Moore).
The Mirapolis Investigation is an original story and begins as detective Richard Moore (Kogorō Mōri) is invited to the opening ceremony of an amusement park called Mirapolis, with the owner's intention of promoting it using his popularity, as is often the case in the anime series. Together with him arrive Rachel (Ran), his daughter, Conan and The Junior Detective League, Conan's friends from the elementary school. Soon after the opening the first murder takes place and Conan must once again find the culprit.
The player controls Conan from a third-person perspective as he explores the Mirapolis facilities: the Hotel, the Annex, the Gym and the Courtyard. To solve the crimes, he needs to collect information from various characters, and sometimes analyze the physical evidence in a point-and-click fashion. The most challenging gameplay feature is the clue link, which is as the name implies, a chain of hints that you must correctly choose from your notebook. Every correct clue that you placed gives you 1 Link Point, but if you make only one mistake, all of your Link Points are lost. Various bonus material can be earned if you collect a specific number of Link Points or by playing the mini games included. Depending on your score in those mini games you get a number of points, which you can then use to acquire bonus content.
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