
Colors! 3D

Colors! 3D is a digital painting application developed by Collecting Smiles for the Nintendo 3DS. It is the successor to their homebrew application, Colors!.

Colors! 3D improves on its predecessor by allowing users to draw on five layers, each on their own stereoscopic 3D plane. Drawing is done on the bottom screen while the top screen displays the painting in 3D. While drawing, players can use the various controls on the Nintendo 3DS to change layers, zoom and pan, and alter the pressure of their brush. Pressing the L button allows users to access a menu where they can change brush type, size and opacity, modify the layers, use the camera to provide reference and more. When the user is finished with their painting, they can export it to the SD card for viewing in the Nintendo 3DS Camera application. Users can also upload their finished creations to an online gallery, which can be viewed either on the 3DS or on the official website. Each painting also features a replay feature that allows viewers to see how it was drawn. The application also features local multiplayer, allowing several people to work cooperatively on a painting.


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Game Information

Nintendo 3DS
Collecting Smiles
Collecting Smiles
NA Release Date
April 5, 2012
MVGL User Score
6.5 by 14 user(s)
MVGL Difficulty
Added by
22 User(s)

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