Bloodstained follows the protagonist Miriam, an orphan who is afflicted by an alchemist's curse, which is slowly turning her skin into crystal. To stop the curse, Miriam must explore a demon-filled castle and locate its summoner, Gebel, who has suffered from the curse for a long time.
The game is expected to follow the Metroidvania-style gameplay of the Castlevania series; by defeating enemies, Miriam will gain powers enabled by the crystals on her body, as well as items that can be used to craft new weapons and armor. The game will be presented in a 2.5D style, displaying the game in three-dimensional graphics but restricting movement to a 2D plane. Igarashi stated that the reason for choosing 2.5D was that it follows in the style of his previous Castlevania games.
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This game also exists on:
PlayStation 4
Xbox One
Xbox Series X/S
PlayStation 5
Google Stadia
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