Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen takes place on the high-fantasy world of Terminus, a wildly diverse land formed from fragments of many different realms and times, bringing with them their unique civilizations and deities.
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is considered to be a spiritual successor to “classically-spirited” MMORPGs such as EverQuest and Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, and will prominently feature a PvE-centric design, with plans for at least one PvP server at launch.
Pantheon focuses on challenging content and the social aspects of gameplay, such as grouping and guilds, making friends, and earning a reputation in the community.
Many aspects of gameplay are inspired by text-based MUD games. Typical character progression is slower paced than many modern MMORPGs in order to make content more meaningful. Combat is performed by selecting various spells and abilities based on character class and strategy. Pantheon uses a tab-targeting system.
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