Chain Reaction, originally named Magical Drop in Japan, is the inaugural game of the Magical Drop series. The name was changed from Magical Drop to Chain Reaction in North America and Europe. Chain Reaction is based in the Magical Drop Plus 1! version, the same as regular Magical Drop but an updated version that features aesthetic improvements and a new game mode. Also, in this NA and PAL version, the puzzle pieces are changed from spherical Drops to various items (such as food or celestial bodies) and the character-unique voice acting is replaced by a single male narrator.
Magical Drop is a competitive puzzle game. The goal of the game is to clear the screen of constantly advancing objects called 'drops'. The player is located at the bottom of the screen while drops appear from the top of the screen. The player is capable of grabbing and releasing all similarly-colored Drops. Drops are cleared when three or more Drops of the same color are eliminated. A player is defeated when a column of Drops reaches beyond the bottom boundary of their field. A secondary method of victory is "Quota," where the first player to clear a predetermined number of drops is declared the winner of the round.
There are several game modes: endless mode, story mode, two-player mode, and puzzle mode. There are 6 different characters, all being named after a tarot card. Different characters have different attack patterns.
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