Arcane Saga Online, originally known as Prius Online was a free-to-play fantasy MMORPG from CJ Internet and NetMarble. While it relaunched in 2013, it was short lived and was shutdown by NetMarble on September 16th. The game was focused on a 3C System that consisted of players characters, their Anima companions, and their Animas' summoned Gigas mercenaries. The 3C system consists of your main character, the Anima, and the Gigas. The Anima is your character's companion, and the relationship you develop with her, as you try to unravel the mysteries of her forgotten past, determine her personality and strengthen your bonds. The Gigas, summoned by the Anima in times of battle, are strategic and dynamic mercenaries that fight by your side. Through this system the game aims to create rich and immersive emotional experiences for the character and the Anima. Prius Online offered the four races of Hume, Lon, Ayin, and Beriah, as well as the seven classes of Gunslinger, Occultist, Huntress, Berserker, Legionnaire, Shadow Templar, and Minstrel.
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