Ranko Tsukigime is an average high school girl by day and a deadly assassin by night. While taking on a new mission, an enemy organization threatens the lives of Ranko and her friends. This 2D fast-paced side-scrolling action game will draw players deeper into the schoolgirl/assassins thrilling life and serves as a video game tie-in to Katsuhiro Otomos four-part anime compilation film project, SHORT PEACE.
POSSESSIONS, GAMBO, A Farewell to Weapons and COMBUSTIBLE are joined by the fifth and final part of the project Ranko Tsukigimes Longest Day. Players will put their reflexes and quick judgment to the test in fast-paced platforming gameplay that will have them blazing through dangerous, obstacle-ridden environments to flee from an ominous enemy looming close behind.
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Coming soon...