
The Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces

Players hold the Wii Remote in their left hand and the Nunchuk in their right hand. Using the motion detection of both controllers, movement of the Nunchuk is used to tilt, roll, pitch and yaw the player's aircraft, while the Wii Remote is used as the throttle, with players tilting it up and down to accelerate and decelerate. The game also supports the Classic Controller and GameCube controller for more traditional control.

The game introduces a gameplay mechanic called the "Tactical Maneuver Command" system, in which players gain the ability to perform automatic acrobatics to better position themselves for attack by keeping in close proximity to their enemies. During the game players unlock new planes, which they can customize in seven areas, such as color, weapons and armor. Players can also replay previous missions that they have beaten.


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Game Information

Nintendo Wii
Access Games
Xseed Games
NA Release Date
January 12, 2010
MVGL User Score
7.8 by 8 user(s)
MVGL Difficulty
Added by
15 User(s)

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