
Murderous Pursuits

Murderous Pursuits is a kill-or-be-killed stealth-em-up multiplayer game for 1-8 players. Smartly stalk your target – the Victorian’s call that Quarry - and wait for just the right moment to pounce on your prey. But be careful not to give yourself away to the other players hunting you!

Act like an unassuming passenger to avoid revealing yourself, locate high-scoring weapons, and stalk and kill your targets in a manner that befits your station as a 'right dodgy villain'.

The Best – And Smartest - Killer Wins Gain the highest number of points by the end of the round to win. Optimize your points by finding higher value weapons and keeping your exposure low, all while scoring glorious kills. Be too careful and you’ll fall behind. Be too bold and other hunters will take advantage. Employ a variety of abilities, including disguise, flash, and counter, to outmanoeuvre your adversaries and carry out your diabolical plan.

Track and Avoid Use the Quarry Tracker to locate your target. Keep an eye on the Hunter Indicator to avoid getting killed. But beware as your Quarry may be watching too. Keep your cool and use the busy passenger environments to your advantage by hiding in plain sight. Forget to blend in and you’ll raise your exposure, revealing yourself to your Quarry, and your Hunter.

Watch Out For The Guards Guards are on board to keep the passengers safe. Beware: they are on the lookout for killers. Anyone caught in the act will be stalled and left open to attack from other hunters. Take your pick from a line-up of eight nefarious killers – each as deadly as the next. From the cold and calculating Duchess to the wise-guy Dodger, it is your choice of which version of evil you feel will serve you best.

Prove Yourself Climb the ranks to become number 1 in the world for most number of kills... or most number of pies eaten!



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Game Information

Blazing Griffin
Blazing Griffin
Action, Strategy
NA Release Date
April 26, 2018
JP Release Date
April 26, 2018
EU Release Date
April 26, 2018
AUS Release Date
April 26, 2018
MVGL User Score
4.8 by 6 user(s)
MVGL Difficulty
Official Website
Added by
13 User(s)

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