
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a text adventure based on the novel by R. L. Stevenson. In this game, you play the role of Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde. The year is 1868 and you are close to the completion of your work into the human psyche. The game starts in your drawing room the night before Dr. Jekyll creates the potion that will transform him into Mr. Hyde.

The Spectrum version of the game is divided into three parts (Dichotomies, Duality, and Denouement) while the Atari version is just one long game. The goal of the first part is to mix up the portion that will transform you into Mr. Hyde. In part two Mr Hyde starts dominating over Dr. Jekyll and in the last part it is time to get rid of Mr. Hyde once and for all.

The Spectrum version was created using Professional Adventure Writer and the Atari version using STAC.



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Game Information

Atari ST
Essential Myth
Zenobi Software
EU Release Date
January 1, 1991
MVGL User Score
MVGL Difficulty
Added by
0 User(s)

This game also exists on:
Nintendo NES Zx Spectrum

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