LEGO Creator: Harry Potter is a series of computer games based on the Harry Potter story series and the Lego brand of building blocks. It was developed by Superscape and published by Electronic Arts. In the game, the player builds Harry Potter-themed worlds and complete challenges.
This game was considered to be related to the film version of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" and allowed you to play as the different characters and go into four general areas, plus 5 extra areas. The area of Inside Hogwarts school has four place-able extra rooms to reach other areas including the Potions Class and the Forbidden Corridor. You can place minifigures on broomsticks and then fly them around. You can also drive the Hogwarts Express. You can change the weather from rain to snow to night to day and also make it foggy. You can cast a few spells like ones that make fireworks. Also you can make your own minifigures and models with classical and Harry Potter style Lego faces, bodies, cloaks and even wands, while the workshop contains castle pieces, to extras, to standard pieces.
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