Initial D, a popular long running manga series, has spawned not only an equally popular anime series and a live-action movie adaptation, but several video games over the years. The series' first appearance on home consoles occurred in 1999, a year after the series' videogame debut on the Game Boy, with the release of Initial D for PlayStation and Sega Saturn.
The series follows Takumi, an indolent teenager who, after delivering tofu for his dad's business in the early hours of the morning, finds himself to be something of an expert in the art of drifting down mountain roads. This in turn leads to him and others racing each other on a variety of Japanese mountains – perfect video game fodder.
The main guts of the game is the Story Mode which sets up a series of races via some FMV clips and static CG images. There is no voice acting in either of these which is immediately jarring and something that instantly stands out when played today.
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