Bachelor Party is a simple straight-forward pong game but with a wild twist: the objective of the game is help the bachelor get lucky with the ladies by "hitting" him with a dose Spanish Fly, hopefully with your help, he'll "score" frequently. When each lady is "hit", the lady disappears until all 8-16 ladies are "subdued" and on to the next level. Looks like someone's gonna be busy tonight.
The bachelor has 4 lives to start and in order to survive the night he has to keep getting a regular dose of Spanish Fly to keep the ladies (and him) happy.
The game consists of 2 player modes and 4 level modes: Games number 1 and 3 are one-player versions and 2 and 4 are two-player versions. In games 1 and 2 there are two rows of 4 women in each row. Games 3 and 4 are more difficult in that there are two rows of 8 women in each row, and they slowly advance during play.
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