In the year 2463 the Earth is in jeopardy of alien invasion and destruction. The planet's only hope for survival is a group of genetically bred soldiers known as Expendables. The sole purpose of your existence, as one of the Expendables, is to seek and destroy any threat to your race. In this case, it's the alien race known as the Charva. You've been trained to use every weapon imaginable, including Gatling guns, flame -throwers, lasers, and grenades. Make yourself even more deadly by grabbing various power-ups that will modify your weapons and make them more effective. While your main objective is to kill, there will also be some puzzles that you must solve in order to progress through the game. If you want to double your pleasure, recruit a friend and give the Charva a double dose of punishment.
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This game also exists on:
PlayStation 1
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