Planet 51 is a galactic sized animated alien adventure comedy revolving around American astronaut Captain Charles "Chuck" Baker, who lands on Planet 51 thinking he's the first person to step foot on it. To his surprise, he finds the planet is already inhabited by little green people who think he’s the alien. Chuck tries to navigate his way through the dazzling, but bewildering, landscape of Planet 51 in order to escape becoming a permanent part of the Planet 51 Alien Invaders Space Museum. In the FREE Planet 51 Hide & Seek game, help Rover, his robot companion, find Chuck before the Planet 51 residents do. Rover has a short battery life, so be sure to find Chuck as fast as you can. Use the “Choose Your Own Music” feature to pick your own background music as you play the game.
Coming soon...
This game also exists on:
Nintendo DS
Nintendo Wii
PlayStation 3
Xbox 360
Coming soon...
Coming soon...