
Custom Robo

Custom Robo is a robot fighting game. It was released in 1999 for the Nintendo 64 only in Japan, and in 2006 for the iQue Player only in China. It is the first title of the Custom Robo series.

Plot: On your birthday, you receive a Custom Robo called Ray. You quickly go off to find opponents to battle in order to collect as many parts as possible and become a Custom Robo Master. Winning battles rewards you with money and custom robo parts.

Gameplay: The player moves around through various scenes and settings, interacting with other characters to gain information or engage in combat. Once the player has started a battle with another character, the scene changes to show the holoseum, or arena, in which the robots will be fighting. At the start of a battle, the player changes the direction of a robo cannon that launches the robot into the holoseum as a cube. In order to open the robo, the player must quickly press buttons and directions on the control stick. Depending on which side the cube lands on, the player may have more or less difficulty opening their robo. Once the robots have been launched onto the arena, they must fight using a variety of different weapons. The robot's arsenal includes guns, bombs, pods, and the ability to rocket punch. The robot also has a jetpack which allows for dashing to avoid enemy attacks. During battle, the endurance bar will decrease for each action performed. Once the bar runs out, the robot will become downed and unable to move. Once the robot recovers, it enters rebirth mode and will experience a brief period of invincibility. In order to win the battle, the player must reduce the opponent's health from 1000 to zero. If the player wins a battle, they will usually receive a new robot part from their opponent, allowing for customization. Rather than receiving the parts directly, the player usually must go to one of several parts machines to pick up the new part. The goal of the story mode is to defeat all of the other Robos and collect all of the parts. Any part that the player collects in story mode can then be used in versus mode to customize your robot and battle against friends. Others can bring their own Custom Robos to battle on your Nintendo 64 using a Nintendo 64 Memory Pack.


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Game Information

Nintendo 64
NA Release Date
December 8, 1999
MVGL User Score
7.2 by 9 user(s)
MVGL Difficulty
Added by
14 User(s)

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