Based off of the Love Live! anime series, the second volume of the School Idol Paradise series is a rhythm game focused on one of the three sub-units of fictional school idol group μ's: BiBi, made up of third-year high school student Eli Ayase, fellow third-year Nico Yazawa, and first-year Maki Nishikino. Its companion games are Printemps and lily white.
Songs sung by the girls are played throughout the game's story mode, with branches in the story that form depending on how well the player performs on each song along with which route they decide to take afterward. Aside from the main story mode, there is also a challenge mode in which specific tasks, such as clearing a song with reversed button input or obtaining a score within a certain range, must be performed for rewards. Both songs and the costumes that are associated with them can be unlocked through the story, while remixes of songs can be unlocked through the game's challenge mode.
Songs specific to BiBi include:
★ Arifureta Kanashimi No Hate" by Eli Ayase ★ Daring!!" by Maki Nishikino ★ Mahoutsukai Hajimemashita!" by Nico Yazawa ★ Cutie Panther" by BiBi ★ Cutie Panther (Metal-Panther Mix)" by BiBi
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