Tetsuwan Atom (also known as Astro Boy or Mighty Atom) is a side-scrolling platformer based on the famous Japanese manga and anime series by Osamu Tezuka. Thieves have stolen all the money from Professor Ochanomizu and you in the role Astro Boy are send out to retrieve it.
The game features ten more or less linear stages. In some stages you can only make progress after finishing certain tasks or solving little puzzles, like finding keys or special items or repeating a certain sound with bells. At certain places Astro Boy must also make use of his jetpack, which can only be used a certain amount of time, after which you have to wait a bit until it has cooled down enough for reuse. Astro Boy's remaining life energy is determined by an uranium value. This can be filled up again a few times by calling Professor Ochanomizu.
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This game also exists on:
Nintendo Super NES
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