In 2012, Toma, a boy who lives with his parents on the southern island of Papan, meets a girl named Helga one day in the island ruins. With her desire to go silently and draw a picture of an unknown place, Toma tries to take Helga to “the place she wants to go” with her boy Chit who crawls Helga.
Mysterious black children appear every few decades. Called “Befor children”, they had been chasing a single person for many years. They are tired of the repeated years, and they continue to pursue “she” while reducing their friends by obstructing the mysterious boy Dumas.
Criminal Cooks, who pursues the consecutive disappearance of boys and girls, reaches the presence of “befor children” during the investigation. The mystery of children, mysterious phenomena, and the mysterious youth that appear. What secrets are hidden behind the missing children?
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