The first installment of Namco's PS2 RPG franchise to be released in North America, Tales of Legendia follows the exploits of the powerful Alliance Marine Senel Coolidge. A master of the "Eres" art and fueled by the desire to find his kidnapped sister Shirley, Senel sets out on a journey that spans the enormous face of a giant sea going vessel known as The Legacy.
Designed in tandem with members of the Soulcalibur development team, Tales of Legendia utilizes a unique real-time combat system known as X-LiMBs (Crossover Linear Motion Battle System) giving players the ability to perform rapid-fire combos, original throws, and team attacks on the fly during the heat of battle. Anime cutscenes with designs by Kazuto Nakazawa (Kill Bill), multiple mini-game types, and individual character quests unlocked by beating the game are also included.
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