Yuuyami Doori Tankentai is an adventure game that plays similarly to the Twilight Syndrome series. The game is set in the late 1990s in the fictional Hirumi City, a stereotypical Japanese neighborhood with shopping districts, hospitals, construction sites, and parks. Although never stated, it is implied the city was born out of Japan's economic boom during the 1980s and has since fallen into disrepair.
The story follows three junior high school students exploring urban legends in their city, typically with a paranormal theme. The students are a boy named Nao and his dog Meros, as well as two girls, Kurumi and Sango.
Each chapter consists of two phases, first collecting rumors at the school and then later investigating them in the city. The player can choose one of the three characters to play as when starting each chapter, a choice which will affect how the story proceeds.
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