Inspired by Norse mythology, Valkyrie Profile is a Japanese role-playing game that follows the titular valkyrie, Lenneth, as she travels through Midgard, collecting the souls of slain heroes to serve either as einherjar or her personal companions for Ragnarok - the battle to decide the fate of all creation - and trains them by fighting monsters and performing additional quests. As she journeys, she learns more about her original human life, removed from her memory upon becoming a Valkyrie.
The gameplay mainly consists of exploring various locations (dungeons, mansions, swamps) from a 2D perspective. Lenneth can run, jump, shoot ice crystals, push and pull objects to solve simple puzzles, etc. The battle system is turn-based. Each of the characters (up to three can fight alongside Lenneth at a time) is assigned to one of the four main keys. The player and the enemy take turns attacking, but with the right timing, the player can execute combos that leave enemies defenseless.
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