In this spin-off from a popular TV cop show of the 1980s, Crockett and Tubbs are trying to smash a drugs ring bossed by Mr. J. You have to start at the bottom, initially busting the casual dealers before reaching their suppliers, and ultimately the casino-dwelling honchos.
This is done through a combination of driving and shooting, through an overhead rendition of Miami. When crooks are stopped they will often provide valuable information, although sometimes they can only be stopped by shooting them.
When you learn of a meeting, you can enter it on foot, either to gain evidence or make an arrest - but remember that a joint full of crooks will not simply allow you to do your civic duty. This is all done against a time limit, with a one-minute penalty for crashing the car.
Coming soon...
This game also exists on:
Commodore 64
Zx Spectrum
Coming soon...
Coming soon...