Tales of Eternia Online (TOEO) is an MMORPG set in the world of the popular Namco PlayStation title, Tales of Eternia (also known as Tales of Destiny II in the US). The game's events occur around the beginning of disc 2 of the original Playstation game, just after Reid's party crosses over into Celestia from Inferia.
The first of the Tales franchise to be launched as an MMORPG, this title is produced and maintained as a joint venture between Namco and Dwango. Although the game's Japanese release was originally slated for the spring of 2005, the first phase of closed beta testing was greatly delayed and didn't begin until July 7, 2005. The second closed beta test phase was released on January 16, 2006. Open beta was from February 16 til February 28, 2006. The official service was formally released on March 3, 2006.
In January 2007, Namco announced that the game would be taken offline on March 31, 2007, after having gone online for only one year. The reason for the discontinuation of service is due to the declining number of player accounts.
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