Heisei Shin Onigashima is the second game in the Shin Onigashima series. It tells the backstory to the original game. The game is divided into four parts, with the first three telling the story of how the heroes' animal companions met up with them. The first two are dedicated to Ringo the dog and Matsunosuke the monkey, and focuses on how they were told to help Donbe and Hikari, and their adventures up until that point. The third chapter puts Ohana the pheasant is the leading role, but the story revolves around Hikari's and Donbe's past, and how the Avatar of Darkness first came to threat the land.
In the final chapter, the final showdown from the first game is retold, but with new story elements to further connect it with the new parts of the story.
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
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