
Imagine: Fashion Designer New York

In Imagine Fashion Designer New York players take on the role of a novice fashion designer given the chance to make her mark in the fashion capital of the world, New York, New York. Your goal is become the ultimate fashionista as quickly as possible, as you express your creativity in sophisticated design workshops and live in the glamorous world of fashion.

Holding the DS like a book and using the stylus to tap out your choices, players choose the young fashion designer they will play as, give her a name and start her on conquest of the fashion world. On the way up players will participate in exercises in designing outfits, matching accessories, selecting models, taking photos and more. The game includes access to fashion card, exchangeable over a Nintendo Wi-Fi connection and an eight song soundtrack that sets the mood as players illustrate their creativity from the drawing board to the catwalk.


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Game Information

Nintendo DS
Virtual Toys
NA Release Date
October 07, 2008
MVGL User Score
5.7 by 3 user(s)
MVGL Difficulty
Added by
8 User(s)

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