Black Desert Online takes place in a high fantasy setting and revolves around the conflict between two rival nations, the Republic of Calpheon and the Kingdom of Valencia. Calpheon is very materialistic where as Valencia is very spiritual.
Long before Black Desert Online starts, the four main areas, Calpheon, Serendia, Balenos, and Mediah, are at peace. This all changes when merchants from Valencia, an area in Mediah that controls trade, starts to spread the Black Plague. Many people from around the world die due to this sickness. If people don't die they sometimes get expelled due to paranoia. Eventually, the three main areas realize the enemy, Valencia. The three regions make an alliance and start a war. The war lasts 30 years and Mediah profits the most. This is because Mediah, during the war, harvests black stones and trades with everyone. After the war, the alliance slowly starts to trade with Valencia again. Tensions rise again when the others discover the importance of black stones. Desperate to gain wealth, the others start to search for black stones. Calpheon has no area that harbors the precious black stones and because of this they start to steal from others. This raises conflicts with Valencia due to Valencia's vast Black Desert that holds the black stones.
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This game also exists on:
Xbox One
PlayStation 4
PlayStation 5
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