Bendy and the Dark Revival (abbreviated as BatDR) is an upcoming second episodic installment of the main core series from the Bendy franchise, currently under development by Joey Drew Studios Inc.. It was first announced from the "From the desk of Joey Drew - February 10th, 1931" video on February 10, 2019 during Bendy's second anniversary.
Some revealed details that the game will take place in a same universe as the first game, but with an entirely different setting not considered as a sequel or prequel to Bendy and the Ink Machine.[1] The player will take the role of Audrey.
It is scheduled to be released on 2020, originally Fall 2019. It will be released on all different console ports, along with PC and mobile.
Coming soon...
This game also exists on:
PlayStation 4
Xbox One
Nintendo Switch
PlayStation 5
Coming soon...
Coming soon...