Based on the hilarious stories of a somewhat obscure classic Warner Bros. cartoon, Sheep Raider marks the re-emergence of Sam Sheepdog and Ralph Wolf. As in the cartoon series, Ralph is always trying to steal the sheep, and Sam is in charge of protecting the furry critters. The game is formatted in the style of a game show, and the inimitable Daffy Duck is playing host. You'll play as the sneaky Ralph, and most of the game's levels revolve around capturing sheep. It's not as simple as it sounds. One level has you jet-packing about, while another requires you to collect a series of gadgets that you'll use to make a giant rubber band eventually repelling from a cliff to pull off your heist. The rubber band later reappears as part of a sheep slingshot that you'll have to construct between two trees. Boasting top-shelf cartoon graphics and tons of original gameplay, Sheep Raider is a brilliant retread of a truly great animated series.
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