A magical, mystery-filled adventure awaits! When a young girl named Annika awakens from a strange dream, she finds herself stranded on the mysterious "Spica Island" with no memory of how she got there. Upon exploring, she meets a boy named Giraffe, who seems to know her, and is tasked with finding three special star fragments on the island in order to unravel the mysteries of her forgotten memories. While searching for the fragments, Annika meets Lily, the Witch of the Mysterious Forest, who challenges her to a battle! Fortunately, Annika emerges victorious, and uncovers a star fragment. She absorbs the fragment and is suddenly granted remarkable visions. What secrets await this unlikely trio of adventurers on the island of Spica?
Adventure! Explore the mysterious Island of Spica! Uncover hidden secrets on the island!
Rhythm! Defeat bosses with the beat! Synchronize your attacks to the music to overcome challenges!
Comic! See the world of Giraffe & Annika brought to life in beautiful, manga-inspired style!
Dungeons! Challenge five unique dungeons on the island to recover the star fragments and help recover Annika's memories!
Collectibles! Find cute cat collectibles hidden all over the island! Expand your gallery and unlock prizes!
Coming soon...
This game also exists on:
PlayStation 4
PlayStation 5
Xbox One
Nintendo Switch
Coming soon...
Coming soon...