
Psychometrer Eiji

Psychometrer Eiji is a mystery manga and live-action series created by Masashi Asaki and Yuma Ando, that started in 1996. The manga series is composed of 25 tankobon and was serialized by Kodansha.

Asuma Eiji is a normal high school student, with a reputation for being violent and involved in gangs. But he has the psychometry ability, which is discovered by Shima Ryoko, a police investigator when his little sister Emi gets involved in a serial murder case. And so, Shima uses her charm to get the boy to help her, and Eiji obliges, getting more and more involved in the murders, his powers proving to be quite powerful.


  • Eiji Asuma: A troublemaker, loud and outspoken high school student with the power of psychometry, which is hidden from all except his sister Emi, his childhood friend Yusuke, policewoman Shima and criminal mastermind Sawaki. He is well known as a strong and unbeatable fighter, and often gets into fights.

  • Emi Asuma: Eiji's little sister. Cute, she appears to have feelings for her brother (they aren't blood siblings), and is the object of affection of Yusuke, and object of lust of a neighborhood pervert. She gets involved in the police cases her brothers helps in a few times along the series.

  • Ryoko Shima: A seductive and beautiful, young policewoman. An elite "Career" detective on fast track. She's single, independent and is always wearing sexy underwear and revealing clothes. She believes in Eiji's powers and that they can make a difference in the cases she's involved in, but the rest of the police work is done in great part by her, a very smart and quick woman. It is suggested throughout the series that she and Eiji have developed feeling between each other

The Playstation game is based on the popular Japanese manga and television series, you play the part of Asuma Eiji, a "sensitive" who can view the past of a person just by touching him/her. Goaded by detective Otsuka Nene, the unusual duo solve crimes in this 3-D action-thriller.

The gameplay is a mix between an action and an adventure game, some levels of the games are a beat'em up sequence, in other the player have to find an item to advance, others are a time limited sequence.



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Game Information

Alternative Titles
PlayStation 1
JP Release Date
February 18, 1999
MVGL User Score
MVGL Difficulty
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