Backwards Compatible Title.
In an unknown alien galaxy far away from the Milky Way, a war is waging between the Tilde Fleet, a group of human-like people and mysteriously violent robotic vehicles known as the Ver’mith led by the mysterious young woman Faintear. Two humanoid-soldiers belonging to the Triggerheart strike team, Exelica and programmed sister Crueltear, were busily fighting the Ver’mith during an attack when a portal opened and sucked the two young women in. Materializing on planet Earth, Exelica and Crueltear soon made Earth their new home as they had no means of return until a new portal opened and the Ver'mith appeared. Intent on making Earth their primary fortress of attack, the Ver'mith quickly make short work of Earth’s Defenses. Earth’s only hope rests on the Triggerheart sisters.
Coming soon...
This game also exists on:
Xbox 360
Sega Dreamcast
Xbox Series X/S
Coming soon...
Coming soon...