Dunamis15 is a suspense fiction visual novel. The story starts on an isolated island off Tokyo where you live your life as a student on a Ceres school campus. However, that very school is also a Dunamis base and a genetic farm and you yourself are an actual clone. But seemingly idyllic life is far from the truth, and you soon find yourself fighting for survival and searching for the truth beneath the fake tranquility. And to make things worse, you find yourself entangled in a time loop going over and over the same events, trying to break free. While the game starts with Takatsuki Tohgo as the protagonist, the game is split into five chapters where you play as different protagonist in every chapter, continuing the story and looking the world through their eyes in your struggle to survive.
Coming soon...
This game also exists on:
Xbox 360
Sony PSP
Sony PS Vita
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Coming soon...