Terrorists have their job and you've got yours: CRUSH 'EM ALL! They've kidnapped a former President, and the MERCS are going in for the rescue. Punch through their coastal defenses, snatch enemy weapons and gain firepower. Pick up machine guns, bazookas and heavy artilery as you advance through the smoke of burning metal. Power up a flame thrower, and good-bye, Charlie! Push through a non-stop barrage of lead, grenades, heat seeking missiles and attack choppers. Hijack tanks and gunboats. Shred 'em with their own weapons! They messed with your country - now you're gonna make 'em scream!
Coming soon...
This game also exists on:
Sega Genesis/MegaDrive
Sega Master System
Commodore 64
Zx Spectrum
Nintendo Wii
PlayStation 1
PlayStation 2
Sony PSP
Nintendo Switch
PlayStation 4
PlayStation 5
Xbox One
Xbox Series X/S
Nintendo Switch
Coming soon...
Coming soon...