In the distant future, the powerful Empire tries to hold its ground against the ever-growing Independent Confederation. The two states are trying to gain the upper hand in the struggle, at the same time dealing with the Rebels, who fight against both. The Empire has many agents specializing in sabotage at their disposal. One of them is sent to investigate a shady activity in a food-producing factory. This investigation gradually leads to a larger scheme, and the saboteur is forced to choose sides in the imminent war.
Sabotain: Break the Rules is a hybrid of a first-person shooter and a role-playing game, somewhat resembling Deus Ex in concept. The player can choose to control either the commando Kent Reed or the female assassin Alex Keeton; the first is tougher physically, while the second can specialize in stealth and has access to more versatile abilities. In the beginning of the game the player assigns main attributes and skills to the protagonist by distributing correspondent points. Main attributes influence the protagonist's weight capacity limit, defense rating, maximum hit points, maximum energy points, and the amount of experience points received further on.
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