Based on an anime series from the mid-90s, the plot goes something like this: ages ago the goddess Aphrodite created the world, but the jealous Merdam, also known as the Destroyer, contested her control. After a great battle, the Destroyer was locked away forever, and the denizens of Meremanoia flourished, building a civilization in their Creatrice's image - peaceful, compassionate, and very female. This is how the Church and the royal family choose to interpret things, at least. What the priestly Mer-Lion caste doesn't like to talk about is the sacred text that foretells the coming of a new Destroyer, one who looks like a Meremanoid but is not. Words cannot describe this being - but only because the language of the mermaids contains no masculine adjectives. In other words, the Y chromosome is believed to be the Harbinger of the Apocalypse.
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Coming soon...
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